
 * Program constructor. Create gl program and shaders. You can pass optional shader code to immediatly compile shaders
 *   @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl webgl context this program belongs to
 *   @param {String} [vert=undefined] an optional vertex shader code. See {@link Program#compile}
 *   @param {String} [frag=undefined] an optional fragment shader code See {@link Program#compile}
 *   @param {String} [defs=undefined] an optional string prepend to both fragment and vertex shader code. See {@link Program#compile}.
 *   @see {@link Program#compile}
 * @example <caption>For the given vertex shader</caption>
 * attribute vec3 aPosition;
 * uniform mat4 uMVP;
 * uniform vec3 uCameraPosition;
 * @example <caption>access to uniforms and attributes</caption>
 * var prg =  new Program( gl, vert, frag );
 * prg.use()
 * var mvp = glmatrix.mat4.create()
 * prg.uMVP( mvp )
 * prg.uCameraPosition( 0, 0, 0 )
 * // or
 * var campos = glmatrix.vec3.create()
 * prg.uCameraPosition( campos )
 * // or
 * prg.uCameraPosition( [0, 1, 2] )
 * // get the uniform location
 * var matLocation = prg.uMVP()

 * // or attribute location
 * var aPosition = prg.aPosition()
 * @class
 * @classdesc Program class provide shader compilation and linking functionality.
 *              It also give you convenient access to active uniforms and attributes.
 *              Once compiled, the Program object list all used uniforms/attributes and provide getter/setter function for each one. See {@link Program} constructor.
function Program( gl, vert, frag, defs  ){ = gl;
  this.program = gl.createProgram();
  this.vShader = gl.createShader( gl.VERTEX_SHADER );
  this.fShader = gl.createShader( gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER );
  gl.attachShader(this.program, this.vShader);
  gl.attachShader(this.program, this.fShader);

  if( vert !== undefined && frag !== undefined ){
    this.compile( vert, frag, defs );

 * Program.verbose
 *   can be set to false to prevent shader code logs on glsl errors (default to true)
Program.verbose = true;

Program.prototype = {

   * Shortcut for gl.useProgram()
   * alias program.bind()
  use : function(){ this.program );

   * Compile vertex and fragment shader then link gl program
   * This method can be safely called several times.
   *  @param {String} vert vertex shader code
   *  @param {String} frag fragment shader code
   *  @param {String} [prefix=''] an optional string append to both fragment and vertex code
  compile : function( vert, frag, prefix ){

    prefix = ( prefix || '' ) + '\n';

    var gl =;

    if( !( compileShader( gl, this.fShader, prefix + frag ) &&
           compileShader( gl, this.vShader, prefix + vert ) ) ) {
      return false;


    if (!gl.getProgramParameter(this.program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
      return false;


    return true;

    * Delete program and shaders
  dispose : function() {
    if( !== null ){ this.program );  this.fShader  );  this.vShader  ); = null;

   *  List all uniforms and attributes and create helper function on Program instance
   *  eg :
   *     for a uniform vec3 uDirection;
   *     create a method
   *        program.uDirection( 1, 0, 0 );
  _grabParameters : function(){
    var gl =,
        prg = this.program;

    // Uniforms
    // ========

    var numUniforms = gl.getProgramParameter( prg, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS );
    var context = {
      texIndex : 0

    for ( var uniformIndex = 0; uniformIndex < numUniforms; ++uniformIndex )
      var uniform = gl.getActiveUniform( prg, uniformIndex );

      // safari 8.0 issue,
      // when recompiling shader and link the progam again, old uniforms are kept in ACTIVE_UNIFORMS count but return null here
      if( uniform === null ){
        gl.getError(); // also flush error

      var uName   =,
          n       = uName.indexOf('[');

      if( n >= 0 ){
        uName = uName.substring(0, n);

      var uLocation = gl.getUniformLocation( prg, );
      this[uName] = getUniformSetter( uniform.type, uLocation, gl, context );


    // Attributes
    // ==========

    var numAttribs = gl.getProgramParameter( prg, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES );

    for (var aIndex = 0; aIndex < numAttribs; ++aIndex )
      var attribName = gl.getActiveAttrib( prg, aIndex ).name;
      var aLocation  = gl.getAttribLocation( prg, attribName );
      this[attribName] = getAttribAccess( aLocation );


 * alias to Program.use()
Program.prototype.bind = Program.prototype.use;

 * internal logs
Program.warn = function(str){
  if( Program.verbose ){

// -------------------------------------------------
//                    UTILITIES
// -------------------------------------------------

 * Shader logging utilities

var __pads = ['','   ','  ',' ',''];

function appendLine( l, i ){
  return __pads[String(i+1).length] + ( i+1 ) + ': ' + l;

 * Format shader code
 * add padded lines number
function formatCode( shader ) {
  return shader.split( '\n' ).map( appendLine ).join( '\n' );

var USetFMap = {};
USetFMap[ String(5126 ) /*FLOAT       */ ] = '1f';
USetFMap[ String(35664) /*FLOAT_VEC2  */ ] = '2f';
USetFMap[ String(35665) /*FLOAT_VEC3  */ ] = '3f';
USetFMap[ String(35666) /*FLOAT_VEC4  */ ] = '4f';
USetFMap[ String(35667) /*INT_VEC2    */ ] = '2i';
USetFMap[ String(35668) /*INT_VEC3    */ ] = '3i';
USetFMap[ String(35669) /*INT_VEC4    */ ] = '4i';
USetFMap[ String(35670) /*BOOL        */ ] = '1i';
USetFMap[ String(35671) /*BOOL_VEC2   */ ] = '2i';
USetFMap[ String(35672) /*BOOL_VEC3   */ ] = '3i';
USetFMap[ String(35673) /*BOOL_VEC4   */ ] = '4i';
USetFMap[ String(35674) /*FLOAT_MAT2  */ ] = 'Matrix2f';
USetFMap[ String(35675) /*FLOAT_MAT3  */ ] = 'Matrix3f';
USetFMap[ String(35676) /*FLOAT_MAT4  */ ] = 'Matrix4f';
USetFMap[ String(5124 ) /*INT         */ ] = '1i';
USetFMap[ String(35678) /*SAMPLER_2D  */ ] = '1i';
USetFMap[ String(35680) /*SAMPLER_CUBE*/ ] = '1i';

 * Uniform upload utilities

function getUniformSetFunctionName( type ){
  type = String(type);
  return 'uniform' + USetFMap[type];

 * For a given uniform's type, return the proper setter function
function getUniformSetter( type, location, gl, context ){
  switch( type ){
    case gl.FLOAT_MAT2  :
    case gl.FLOAT_MAT3  :
    case gl.FLOAT_MAT4  :
      return getMatrixSetFunction( type, location, gl, context );

    case gl.SAMPLER_2D  :
    case gl.SAMPLER_CUBE:
      return getSamplerSetFunction( type, location, gl, context );

    default  :
      return getUniformSetFunction( type, location, gl, context );

 * setter factory for vector uniforms
 * return a function wich take both array or arguments
function getUniformSetFunction( type, location, gl, context ){
  var fname = getUniformSetFunctionName( type );
  return function(){
    if( arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0].length !== undefined ){
      gl[fname+'v']( location, arguments[0] );
    } else if( arguments.length > 0) {
      gl[fname].apply( gl, Array.prototype.concat.apply( location, arguments) );
    return location;

 * setter factory for matrix uniforms
function getMatrixSetFunction( type, location, gl, context ){
  var fname = getUniformSetFunctionName( type );
  return function(){
    if( arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0].length !== undefined ){
      gl[fname+'v']( location, !!arguments[1], arguments[0] );
    return location;

 * setter factory for sampler uniforms
function getSamplerSetFunction( type, location, gl, context ){
  var unit = context.texIndex++;
  return function(){
    if( arguments.length === 1 ) {
      if( arguments[0].bind !== undefined ){ // is texture
        arguments[0].bind( unit );
        gl.uniform1i( location, unit );
      } else {
        gl.uniform1i( location, arguments[0] );
    return location;

 * getter factory for attributes
function getAttribAccess( attrib ){
  return function(){
    return attrib;

 * Shader compilation utility
function compileShader( gl, shader, code ){
  gl.shaderSource( shader, code );
  gl.compileShader( shader );

  if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
    Program.warn( gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader) );
    Program.warn( formatCode( code ) );
    return false;
  return true;

module.exports = Program;